Alternative therapies for Lyme: BAX 3000 low level laser

Dr Eric Herman is not a Lyme expert, nor does he claim to be. He is a chiropractor, and sees patients at his clinic in Bethlehem, PA. A lot of his patients come to him for treatment of allergies or immune system disorders.

Because of his location in the heart of the Lyme endemic, however, a great number of his patients come to him for relief from pain due to chronic Lyme symptoms. His clinic's motto is "we treat the patient that has the condition, not the condition that has the patient." In other words, the emphasis is on helping the patient detoxify, so that conditions are created in which they can then heal themselves.

Dr Herman believes that Lyme disease pain leading to a chronic condition has to do with a compromise in the body's immune system. Stress and trauma in the body can suppress the immune system. "Bacteria is opportunistic," he says. It goes where the greatest weakness is. Instead of treating the bacteria, when helping a person with chronic pain he asks, "what can we do to strengthen the person's immune system?" He believes that when optimum conditions for health are present, the opportunistic Lyme bacteria should not be able to take hold.

Dr Herman is passionate about helping people get healthy, and practices a revolutionary technique called Neurological Stress Reduction Therapy. There are no pills, needles or pain involved. This type of therapy uses computer and laser technology combined in a device called the BAX 3000. The device identifies and measures the pain stimuli to the nervous system. Once the stimuli has been identified, the BAX 3000 is used to shine a low-level laser frequency to certain meridians of the body. These are the same meridians referred to in acupuncture and acupressure. The idea is that this technology can reverse and retrain the brain and nervous system's reaction to stressful triggers.

As he says, "this therapy is East meets West, and high-tech all at the same time."

The BAX 3000 is typically used by its practitioners to identify foods, substances or chemicals that create stress in the body. YouTube videos and stories in the national news explain how this technology addreses annoying and severe allergies, such as hay fever and allergies to pet dander.

So what are the implications for a person looking for pain relief from chronic Lyme?

Dr Herman is amazed at the positive outcomes he has witnessed in patients receiving this treatment over the past year and a half. This is a new technology, but he strongly believes that patients suffering with Lyme symptoms are also able to get relief, and they can also create the conditions for optimum health.

LDRD members, I invite you to login and listen to my conversation with Dr Eric Herman.

Dr Herman's website