Healing Newsletter
Immediate access to audio interviews &
cutting-edge Lyme developments
What do Lyme-literate experts think about current treatment options? Would you benefit from listening to doctors talk about how they treat Lyme?
People who heal from Lyme Disease often walk away and never look back. (Personally, I don’t blame them!) But those who are still suffering want to know how they did it. What protocols did they follow, and what else can be learned from hearing their personal stories?
Want to hear from scientists themselves about current research on Lyme? What is happening in the research communities regarding Lyme and related tick-borne illnesses?
People who heal from Lyme Disease often walk away and never look back. (Personally, I don’t blame them!) But those who are still suffering want to know how they did it. What protocols did they follow, and what else can be learned from hearing their personal stories?
Want to hear from scientists themselves about current research on Lyme? What is happening in the research communities regarding Lyme and related tick-borne illnesses?
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2 Free Interviews
The second interview is with a person who has struggled with Lyme, and is successfully beating it. This is one of the many inspiring Success Stories that we collect and make available to LDRD members.
Stay on top of relevant news and cutting-edge information about Lyme. To receive our posts directly in your inbox, sign up above for the Healing Newsletter.
You also receive access to other free resources, including the following:
The 10 things you need to know about Lyme:
- Diagnosis and misdiagnosis
- Symptoms of Lyme Disease
- Treatments and protocols
- Antibiotics and Lyme
- Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium research
- Lyme co-infections
- Integrative treatments
- Nutrition and diet
- Exercise and physical fitness
- Holistic cross-training
Your best approach to treating Lyme begins with educating yourself. Sign up to receive expert, up-to-date information that can impact your healing now.